The Dangers Of Failure Essay: The Fear Of Fear

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Why are we are afraid of failing? We don’t want to look bad in front of others, make a mistake and get embarrassed? I think it is more than that…deeper than that, it goes down to the very core of who we are as a person. Our fear of failure is rooted in our belief system created from childhood; quietly fostering (sometimes) into mental illness from neglectful and abusive parents; developing into full scale neurosis as we mature into adults and learn to hide our symptomatic quirks from others. Fear is so much more than simply being afraid of something. When we were afraid of the dark, we learned we could control our fear and turn on the light. In the dark, we see a monster. In the light, we realize it is only a chair and a jacket hanging …show more content…

If one believes that is partly true, but believes in the power of free will (making one’s own decisions), that is the philosophical concept of compatibilism. When applied to real life failures and the realization that I can’t control anything but myself; the light bulb goes off was and one realizes that failure isn’t actually a one-time event. Coming to the “a-ha” moment that there are free acts of choice and freedom in the pre-determined choices for every aspect of everything that …show more content…

Since failure is truly more common than success, one’s question for life should not be if you have problems, but how you are going to deal with your problems. Philosophically speaking, there is no achievement without failure. To even imply that it might be possible to achieve anything without failure, gives people the wrong impression. The person construct theory introduced by George Kelly, Psychologist, says that in order to know success and its definition we must also know failure and its definition (INSERT CITATION). One can’t have proper perspective without the other. That theory goes hand-in-hand with the concept of failure and success - navigating/conducting individual behavioral situations test our perceptions and interpretations. If we do not like the results or “how we handled it”, we can change - albeit not always easily. (INSERT

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