The Curse Of The Bane Analysis

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Curse of the Bane, by Joseph Delaney, is set in the County, about killing the Bane, the most ancient and powerful creature in the County, after he is released from the catacombs. Thomas Ward, the Spook's apprentice of six months. Is a seventh son of a seventh son which allows him to see and hear what lurks in the dark. Old Gregory, the County Spook of fifty years. (Spooks deal with creatures and spirits the are to powerful for a normal human to deal with.) He is also a seventh son of a seventh son. Alice is the granddaughter of Mother Malkin the strongest witch in the County. She fully becomes a witch after she uses witchcraft to free the Bane from the catacombs, when she falls for his tricks. This week in my reading, the Spook takes Thomas

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