The Cost Of A Religion Research Paper

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Religion is practiced all over the world and the topic is controversial. I am interested to find out about different superior beings beyond God. Religion has always been a topic of discussion in my family, however, I believe that my family and I have not been accepting of any religion outside of our own. I was taught to believe that anything outside Christianity is against my religious beliefs. However, as I grew up and gained friends outside my religion I realized they had the same beliefs as me. I have chosen religion as my research topic because religion is everywhere. Religion is a part of our everyday life. It is discussed in school, politics, judicial system, etc. However, you only hear about Christianity, Catholicism, and Buddhism. …show more content…

I do not want to be biased and I want to have an open mind while conducting my research. The cost would be me second guessing my religion. Do I only believe in God because my parents and my family believe or is it something that came natural to me? Why is society okay with the practice of Christianity but look down at the practices of Islam? This research assignment might cost me my religious beliefs. I believe it is important to understand that all religions should be equal. What determines whether or not a religion is good or bad? All religions should have the option to practice freely without judgment. Why are there only certain religions that are censored? I am interested in pursing religion to find out why religion is separated in society. I am interested to find out where and when did the first religion start and how it is related to other religions. I am interested to find out why does America isolate other religions and is it beneficial to Americans if so …show more content…

Different religion has different views but they are all pretty much the same with these four topic: abortion, same-sex marriage, intercourse before marriage, and infidelity. Those four topics are looked down upon in many religions and it splits the communities up. Why is same-sex marriage wrong? Why is getting an abortion wrong? Why should you wait to have sex with your partner until after marriage? I am a Christian and I do not believe in any of these things. It is your life and you should be able to live it the way you want to live it. It is unfair for religion to affect the way people live their lives and that is why many people drift away from religion as they get older. Religion does however, provide those who are in need with the need that they need in order to survive. Grace Davie discuss how religious institutions help people during their time of need. “look at their churches with benign benevolence – they are useful social institutions, which the great majority in the population are likely to need at one time or another in their lives (particularly at the time of death). It simply does not occur to most people that the churches will or might cease to exist but for their active participation” (2009: 392). Is religion only practiced because of what they do for the community in the time of need? What would religion be like if they did not contribute to the community? Would religion still be as popular? Although

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