Giv In A Marriage With Multiple Wives Analysis

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One Plus One, Not Three The correct mathematical equation is one plus one equals two, not three. A marriage consists of a man and women who vow to be with each other as long as they both shall live. Two wives would make the house cleaning and duties much easier to accomplish, but it is dishonest. The man is requiring the two women to concentrate solely on himself while the two women have one man that splits his attention between them. Having two or more wives is immoral because it is selfish on the man’s part, goes against the Holy Bible, and does not give equal opportunity to the women. A man does not need to have the company of two wives because it creates a self-centered environment as well as in disagreement with the Holy Bible. Harjo argues with Mrs. Roswell about keeping his two wives saying …show more content…

In reality, it is advantageous for the man because the more wives he has, the more work he can spread out to them and less responsibility for himself. For example, Harjo explains the duties of ‘Liza “help me make this little farm” and Jennie for the possibility of “maybe… [we] have children here then” (Oskison 238). There were no obligations tying him to Jennie. Harjo should allow Jennie to marry another man. It is unfortunate especially for the second wife that has never had the sole attention of that husband. It is also unfortunate for the first wife that goes from being the sole women to being one of two options. It is also wrong for a woman to voluntarily choose to be a second wife and for her to choose to have two husbands at one time. Women should be able to do what they want as well as the men to do as they want; taking on two spouses is illegitimate. It needs to be one man and one woman per household. The wives in the situation need to be given the attention from a sole man and have the advantage to run their own

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