The Characteristics Of Financial Leadership In Finance And Finance

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Leadership plays a huge role when it comes to finance and every business field of study. Whether one owns a company, is a chief financial officer (CFO), or simply manages a client’s savings, leadership is a key component to being successful. The financial stability of a client or a company has a huge impact on people’s lives, families, and communities. Leaders promote change and make adjustments in order to financially strengthen a company, its organization, and its investments. While leadership is present in almost any career, the finance industry has had many instances where poor leaders fail to correctly guide a company or client in the right direction. This has lead many organizations and investors to crumble, giving several people …show more content…

Financial leadership requires one to have access to financial data, to be able to accurately interpret that data, and communicate their plans of organization to other employees or clients. One must be able to see how decisions will impact an organization, and that is accomplished when there is accurate and updated information available. It is crucial to look at costs, profits, and expenditures, and possibly rearrange that data in order to get a clearer picture of a company’s needs and areas of growth. This will tell a manager or CFO where an organization makes its money, loses money, and where improvements are needed. Using this, a financial leader should be able to develop strategies and options for the company. While viewing the numbers and weighing each option, a good leader can see which strategies take on too much risk or won’t generate enough revenue. They will also be able to pinpoint which options will balance out the company and bring great returns at a low level of risk. After developing a strategy needed for success, a financial leader should be able to communicate their plan to others. They should put their data and strategies into a narrative that is clear and understandable to all. By getting the whole organization involved, plans can be effectively implemented with as much collaboration and input as possible (McCray and Rosenbloom). Strong financial leaders are …show more content…

Leadership does not only help an organization grow, but it can make one a better person and employee. There are many skills one acquires while being a leader that can greatly improve one’s knowledge and personality. When in a leadership position, especially in finance, it is important to be a motivator to all. A financial leader must inspire the best work in all his or her employees and motivate the organization to achieve high standards. When in a leadership role, one has to stand their ground and not be afraid to be honest with others, take action, and execute their plans even when it is not so popular. Financial leadership requires a great amount of responsibility, which is why one must set strategies and plans to make informed decisions about a company’s direction. With a clear understanding of an organization’s goals, a leader must have the skills to accurately communicate their actions to move forward (Telberg). As I mentioned before, a leader is an inspiration to his or her clients and employees. Without financial leaders, companies would ultimately collapse. Financial strength is a key component to any investor’s or company’s success. Without leadership, financial strength is

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