The Chainsmokers Research Paper

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When listening to the radio, it may seem like there are only five artists in the whole world. Hopefully, you know that's not true. Music is everywhere and talented, new acts are popping up daily. Take the Chainsmokers for example. A couple years ago, no one knew about this dynamic duo. Now, they're performing at the 2016 MTV VMA's and racking up millions of YouTube views. If you've never heard of them before, consider this your introduction. Here are five reasons to love this band.


Judging by their name, one would think that a lot of chain-smoking goes on before a gig. While that may be true, the Chainsmokers do more than just that. According to both members, their warm up methods are hardly …show more content…

There's no way around it. Even if you're not a smoker yourself, you can't admit that this name reeks of sass and style. So where did this name even come from? Well, according to the duo, there is really no legendary tale or inspirational backstory. They simply thought it sounded cool and they were certainly right. Surely there's someone out there complaining that this name enables smoking but that's no fault of this band. They did it to generate hype and that was a success. Some of their YouTube videos are nearing the half-billion mark. Future marketers should take …show more content…

Not the Chainsmokers though. Before they started in 2012, the two didn't even know each other. Apparently, they were introduced by a mutual friend and the rest is history. So why is this a reason to love the band? Well, it shows the character of each person. For them to never meet and naturally mesh together like that tells that they are cooperative and creative people. They were able to put aside their differences and create a cohesive unit that's gone on to sell thousands of copies.


At first glance, the Chainsmokers might seem like another DJ duo but their influences suggest otherwise. In interviews, the Chainsmokers have mentioned that they draw their musical influence from all over the place. Music snobs they are not. Furthermore, they want to evolve as musicians, increasing their performing skills and hopefully inspire future musicians to do what they love. In an industry that has really gone down hill lately, this type of behavior is positive. Hopefully, this means the end of the self-centered, a solo artist like Justin Bieber and the return of humble teamwork in the music

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