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Effects of incarcerated parents on children
Effects of parental incarceration essay
Effects of incarcerated parents on children
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The social welfare program identified for the purpose of this paper is the Center for Children of Incarcerated parents. The social problem for which it was designed to address is that of the effects of parental incarceration on children and families of the incarcerated. Its’ target population, children and families of the incarcerated. This paper will explore how services are provided and its source of funding. Additionally, it will seek to provide an understanding of the roles of social workers and the social work profession plays in the program. Finally, this paper will explore whether or not the program is successful and identify any changes in policy and program that needs to be made or improved. The Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents (CCIP), is a California-based non-profit organization dedicated to the “prevention of intergenerational crime and incarceration”, (Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents, 2001). The process by which this goal is obtained is through the “production of highly qualified documentation on and the development of model services for children of criminal offenders and their families”, (CCIP, ibid). Founded in 1989 by Denise Johnston and Katherine Gabel, CCIPs has made tremendous contribution to the children and families of the incarcerated and the social welfare system. Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents, (2001). was accredited in creating a variety of programs and educational projects to the incarcerated parents and those in the community. They created the Prison Parents’ Education Project (PPEP) for women being sent to the….Central California Woman’s Facility. They implemented family reunification servi... ... middle of paper ... ...risberg, B. A. & Temin, C. E. (2001). The plight of children whose parents are in prison. National Council on Crime Delinquency. Available: F:USERSEveryoneWEBSITE ARTICLESChildren of Incarcerated Parents Newsletter.wpd La Vigne, N. G., Davis, E., & Brazzell, D. (2008). Broken Bonds. Understanding and addressing the needs of children with incarcerated parents. Mumola, C. J. (2000). Incarcerated Parents and Their Children. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, NCJ 182335. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics Parke, R., & Clarke-Stewart, K. A. (2002). Effects of parental incarceration on young children. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Waldman, N., & Herick, J. M (2002). Promoting Responsible Fatherhood: Uniting parents and their families. Available:http://fatherhood.hhs.gov/incarceration/parents02.shtml
Murray, J. (2005). The effects of imprisonment on families and children of prisoners Retrieved from http://www2.bgsu.edu/downloads/cas/file77089.pdf
Vacca, James. (2008). Children of Incarcerated Parents: The invisible students in our schools—what can our schools do to help them? Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 21 (1). 49-56.
Studies show parental incarceration can be more traumatic to students than even a parent's death or divorce, and the damage it can cause to students' education, health, and social relationships puts them at higher risk of one day going to prison themselves.(Sparks,
The writer’s main goals was to persuade that mass incarceration is huge problem for the academics of children whose parents are incarcerated. Melinda D. Anderson wrote the article toward the criminal justice system and audience that are against mass incarceration. People who have families that are in jails and unintentional audience who read news regarding this issue. Several different people each day are facing problems regarding incarceration. They’re people who have their parents, brothers, sister in jail. The writer is trying to prove the point that having those people in jail is creating hardship for families and it needs to be stopped. The Students who have their parents in jail is causing them to lose not only their parents but also their life because of that fact without their parents, the children do not have a source of income, which leads to being not able to eat, study or perhaps live in safe
“Although nearly 90% of children remain with their mothers when fathers go to prison, grandparents usually care for children when mothers are incarcerated” (Johnson & Waldfogel, 2002; Snell, 1994 as cited in; Poehlmann). This shows that the family structure is more drastically upset when the mother is imprisoned versus the father. This also shows that just losing one parent while staying in the same environment is easier to self-adjust back into equilibrium than it is to fully change and integrate into another household. While the mother is in prison, the child is now in the care of someone else and where that child is, is crucial to their development. This explains that a disrupt in family structure can impact a child’s skills that are necessary to a positive development, such as reading and math skills and the ability to focus in class to learn. Emily Durkheim’s structural functionalism theory can be used to further explain this topic. A child’s family is an organism, no matter that typicality of it’s makeup. Every person has a role in the structure and when a mother is incarcerated that disrupts the system and the children are moved into a new structure, the process towards equilibrium can be tough and in some cases detrimental to their development as they are exposed to more intellectual
It is undeniable that mass incarceration devastates families, and disproportionately affects those which are poor. When examining the crimes that bring individuals into the prison system, it is clear that there is often a pre-existing pattern of hardship, addiction, or mental illness in offenders’ lives. The children of the incarcerated are then victimized by the removal of those who care for them and a system which plants more obstacles than imaginable on the path to responsible rehabilitation. Sometimes, those returned to the community are “worse off” after a period of confinement than when they entered. For county jails, the problem of cost and recidivism are exacerbated by budgetary constraints and various state mandates. Due to the inability of incarceration to satisfy long-term criminal justice objectives and the very high expenditures associated with the sanction, policy makers at various levels of government have sought to identify appropriate alternatives(Luna-Firebaugh, 2003, p.51-66).
About one child in 50 in the United States currently has an incarcerated parent, but ensuing attachment disruptions for children depend substantially on the parent’s gender (Bretherton, 2011, p. 18). When fathers are imprisoned (by far the most common occurrence), 88% of the children continue to be cared for by their mothers (Bretherton, 2011, p. 18). Only 37% of fathers care for at least one of their children under these circumstances (Bretherton, 2011, p. 18).When mothers are incarcerated, children are most likely to live with a grandmother or aunt with whom they may or may not have a close relationship (Bretherton, 2011, p. 18). The majority of children whose mothers serve prison sentences not only face separation from the person most likely to be their principal attachment figure (Bretherton, 2011, p...
More or less then 70,000 children are incarcerated in US juvenile jail. Researchers have determined and proven that child abuse, one of the main cause, can reflect the delinquent behavior which can also lead them to be involved in the juvenile justice system (Maxfield, 1996). Childhood experiences of abuse and neglect have been linked to numerous poor developmental outcomes, including serious and violent juvenile delinquency (Reid, 1998). Mistreatment of the children experiences can be defined as a physical, emotional, sexual, pattern of failure to provide for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to provide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection, attention, and supervision. While an amount of risk factors have been identi...
The challenges of children who grow up with parents whom were incarcerated at some point in their childhood can have a major effect on their life. The incarceration of parents can at times begin to affect the child even at birth. Now with prison nurseries the impregnated mother can keep her baby during her time in jail. With the loss of their parent the child can begin to develop behavioral problems with being obedient, temper tantrums, and the loss of simple social skills. Never learning to live in a society they are deprived of a normal social life. “The enormous increase incarceration led to a parallel, but far less documented, increase in the proportion of children who grew up with a parent incarcerated during their childhood” (Johnson 2007). This means the consequences of the children of the incarcerated parents receive no attention from the media, or academic research. The academic research done in this paper is to strengthen the research already worked by many other people. The impact of the parent’s incarceration on these children can at times be both positive and negative. The incarceration of a parent can be the upshot to the change of child’s everyday life, behavioral problems, and depriving them a normal social life.
A study was done on children’s life events, behavior problems, social cognitions and maternal parenting, behaviors are examined regarding Children of mothers being released from incarceration. Although it may be clear that children affected by maternal incarceration are at increased risk compared with their peers, less is known about their relative risk compared with other at-risk children and how harmful effects can be prevented in this specific group. (Hissel, Bijleveld, and Kruttschnitt 2011). 30 participating mothers, including mothers who were not likely to regain parenthood and only comparing children’s behaviors with population norms. In comparing children of incarcerated mothers and children from the general population, the accumulation of risk factors other than maternal incarceration in children affected by maternal incarceration may complicate this comparison. large differences in low socio-economic status alone would already bias a comparison
This time together in prison aids with the early mother-child bonding which is paramount for the lifelong success of the child. It helps the mother be more maturing while reducing their recidivism rate, and because the mothers can raise their children in a safer environment compared to the streets with no assistance. The mother-child bond is a uniquely powerful bond that must be established for the ultimate well-being of the child. Through these means, allowing mothers to serve time with their babies in prison is a beneficial alternative than raising them on the cold, dangerous, and rough streets. In the end, what is best for the child must be the primary goal, and mothers know
There is a plethora of data within the last 10-15 years that repeatedly show family, friends, and entire communities or neighborhoods being drastically affected by the consequences of mass incarceration as well. The data focus primarily on the effects on the partners, children, families, friends, and caregivers of those incarcerated; particularly the economic, emotional, and personal relationships between incarcerated individuals and those the data also
Parental incarceration can affect many aspects of a child’s life, including emotional and behavioral well-being, family stability and financial circumstances. The growing number of children with an incarcerated parent represents one of the most significant collateral consequences of the record prison population in the U.S. Children who have an incarcerated parent require support from local, state, and federal systems to serve their needs. Kids pay both the apparent and hidden costs while their loved one serves out sentences in jail or prison.
A large burden is placed on families when youth are incarcerated. There is not only the pain of being separated, but it also prevents families from being involved in the juvenile’s life, which is a barrier to the child’s recovery, future, and
Conventional practice has long associated early preventive measures with positive delinquency reduction results. In particular, timely recognition of at-risk youth and correction of ineffective or minimally effective parenting techniques are critical to the prevention of future delinquency (Lundman, 1993). Numerous risk factors have been identified as indicators or predictors of juvenile delinquency and those factors represent dysfunction at several levels, specifically within the structure of the offender’s family. Some of these factors include conflict within the family, a lack of adequate supervision and/or rules, a distinct lack of parent-child attachment, instability, poor home life quality, parental expectations, out-of-home placements and inconsistent discipline (Shumaker, 1997). Social service professionals who frequently come into contact with children must be especially vigilant in order to detect the presence of any of the possibly contributory conditions mentioned above and to refer families to appropriate sources of assistance as early as possible.