The Causes Of The Holocaust: The Holocaust

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In a blink of an eye 20,000 Jews were killed each day for their religion. The Holocaust was a tragic event in history. It happened from 1933 to 1945 in Europe. It all started because one man did not like a certain race of some people. That man had an uncaring attitude towards people just like his father did. Adolf Hitler was a man of many words, but being nice is not one of them. He was raised differently from other children. Hitler had a hard time throughout school. He had become the leader of the Nazi party which had started it all. The Nazis left tens of thousands of civilians lay dead or homeless. Germans also thought as Jews as a threat to security and useless eaters. Jews were also known as a “parasite in Poland.”
When Hitler was …show more content…

Ever since the beginning he did not like them one bit. He was born in an era of hatred. He thought as the Holocaust as a long-term project planned well in advance. Hitler even thought as the Jews a different kind. He said that Jews are not truly humans and should be destroyed. They are humans just like everyone else. There was no reason for him to kill thousands upon thousands of Jews just because he did not like their race. Jews are people too and have a right to do what they want to. It was not even just the Jews in Germany. Hitler wanted all of the Jews gone, even the ones from other countries. He would get Jews from other countries and kill them. Hitler stated to his friend in 1922 that if he were to ever be in power, the destruction of the Jews will be my first and most important job. Hitler had been planning this “war” forever and when he got the chance to do it, he did. Once he started there was no stopping him whatsoever. Hitler had finally gotten what he had always wanted to do and that was to destroy the Jewish population. In six months, the Nazis had murdered 600,000 Jews and Hitler was still not satisfied. In fact, Hitler and his crew were so impressed with this turn out that they were excited to keep going on and on until each and every Jew was

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