The Buffalo News Analysis

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The Buffalo News did have the right to print the story about the victim’s criminal record. Although I don’t fully agree with how the story was covered, I believe it was in the best interest of the public to be informed about the victim’s criminal history. I do not believe that the men deserved to die but, it is important that we know that they have a criminal record. When you put yourself in an environment where you are more like to be in danger, you are more likely to get hurt. For instance, I grew up in a neighborhood where many outsider where afraid to come. Personally I never felt in danger because statistically speaking there where slip to no chances of me being killed or hurt unless I put myself in harm’s way. Most of the people in my neighborhood who died passed because they had ties to something gang related or was associated with something gang related and happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The news was obligated to print it because it is …show more content…

This is understandable because when the robbery and cases where going on, on campus I didn’t feel safe knowing that anyone could have been a target. I wanted to know that I was safe walking at night from my classes and back from work. I do not know if the story would have been on the front page of the paper if the victims were white. I am not sure if race would play a factor on it. I do believe that some white people would have been disappointed to see that on the front of the paper if it was. In a blog Mike Blake believes that they should not have died but he said we should not be surprised that they died. I agree with him to an extent but some of his point seemed a bit bias. For example, when he disagree with the positive depictions that people described the victims as. He already painted an image of them when he said he saw the picture on the new of them looking like

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