Analysis Of The Steubenville Case

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In this case it wasn 't just social media that perpetuated the idea of the victim being at fault and not the boys who assaulted her.mainstrem media outlets depicted the boys who just fell into a bas situation and that it wasn 't their fault., discussing how the boys will be "haunted for the rest of their lives" this one quote shows just how biased the media can be. There is no discussion of how the victims life is forever shattered by this event. The article continues on with how other channelsngave the boys excuses or that they are a "cautionary tale." Many of the news outlets discussed how the young men 's lives are now destroyed. Another source proclaimed that the girl in question "caused havoc in once quiet town. There can be a multitude …show more content…

Maybe they should have stopped her. perhapsshe "wanted it and just cried rape when people found out " these phrases and so many more are the reason the big publications is so flawed in it 's reporting of sexually violent crimes especially when they involve and adolescents.Unfortunately the Steubenville case is just the most famous case in the last few years there unfortunately many cases of the media promoting their own ideas regarding a case. It isn 't just young men that reap the benefits of the media 's bias in terms of sexual violence, inalte 2014 there was an issue at the university of Virginia. This is a combination of multiple reasons on why this is an excellent example of the media 's bias. This particular circumstance involved a fraternity and a young woman 's experience with an alleged rape and how the university dealt with the incident. The media in this case specifically jumped at the opportunity to report on this incident. This is happening due to the fact that stories about the depravity of Greek life are already proven to be of massive public interest.this coupled with the truly horrific accounts its no wonder rolling stone jumped at the opportunity to report …show more content…

This experiemtn showed kids a video of people acting violenctly toward the doll and then passively toward the doll. The kids how saw the doll actedupon aggressively were more inclined to do the same. Now that the impact of violence has been esstablished. It is important to adress how gender effects children.Tv shows and commercials often steroetype women and men into their roles. Generally in the idea of men being ggressive and dominating over women. Leading to young men thinking that being aggressive over women is ok and shows to young women that if a man is like that toward you it is ok and normal. (Earles, K., Alexander, R., Johnson, M., Liverpool, J., & McGhee,2015) This belief is also supported by an interview with Neil Malamuth from UCLA. in this interview there is one statement that is very relevant to this idea "that violence against women is more accepted and thus the acts of violence are more likely to occur." The easy thing to see is the increase in savage acts that has increased in the last few decades.what is less black a white but just as much a problem is how society as a whole has started

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