The Bro Code: The Dehumanization Of Women In Popular Culture

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The four steps depicted in the bro code documentary are the way in which contemporary culture trains men to be sexist. These steps are; train men to womanize, immerse men in rape jokes, and obey the masculinity cops. The aforementioned steps are most prevalent in sports and television or movies, but they permeate all aspects of popular culture. The most powerful aspect of the ‘bro code’ may be the way in which men are trained to obey traditional masculine gender roles, because despite any disagreement with the way other men treat women, it creates an environment in which any differing characteristics or opinions are quickly shamed and stamped out. A terrible aspect of this is that it can be enforced by all those around you. As a result, it may seem as though the inferiority of women is their natural status because everyone furthers the association of female equating negative, or lesser. Even if someone does not agree with this view they may feel as though they are helpless to object due to the rigidity of what is considered masculine in modern society. This, coupled with the constant dehumanization of women in porn and a variety of …show more content…

This mistreatment of women can start at the beginning levels of socialization in the family sphere, so if fathers can teach their sons to respect women then this is the first step in the equality of men and women. Fathers taking a more active role in the raising of their children may lead to the end of sexism. Fathers who take a more active role in sharing family chores and responsibilities, not to mention encouraging healthy expression of emotion in their children, can greatly reduce the sexism of future generations. Educating people that they do not have to adhere to strict, binary gender roles is beneficial to us all in the long

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