The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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In life you go through obstacles. Some are easy and some are hard., but does that stop you from making the right choice or succeeding? Everyone goes through tough situations in their life. It's just a matter of if you make something of it. Is it easier to be brave or a coward? Even if you don't know how bad the situation is? If you can't make the situation better? The Jews in the Holocaust have been in the most terrible situations imaginable.
In the Holocaust the Jews were put into situations over there control. When the Nazi's made them move out of their homes they had no idea what was happening to them. They were stripped from their lives with no clue what was going to happen to them. They were moved to the ghettos for a short period of time where the living conditions were horrible. They soon were put into concentration camps where the living conditions were even horrible. They had no food, no water, horrible living quarters, and they were stripped from all of there previous possessions including family members. They were forced to work with no pay, and even worse if they didn...

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