The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Research Paper

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Opinion Essay “Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow” -Elie Wiesel. The Holocaust is a very common topic to read and to be taught about, especially in the form of fictional books. It is usually taught to make people remember what really happened in the past so that history doesn’t repeat itself. Often times, people tend to take the Holocaust, a topic that is despicable, not as seriously as it should be taken. It tends to be sugarcoated, or “fictionalized” to the point where it's just inappropriate. Sugarcoating serious matters, like the Holocaust, is surely not acceptable. An example of such intolerability is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was The book made it seem like he just walked through the camp, into the uniform barracks, and retrieved a uniform like it was no big deal. Again, if this were the 1940s, the Nazis would not allow this to happen, making the book even more unrealistic than it already was. In my opinion, the most major inadequacy in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is how John Boyne made Bruno so naïve for his age. He never really knew why Shmuel was on the other side of the fence. In the book, Bruno asked his sister, Gretel, “‘Are we Jews?’” (Boyne 182). This shows that Bruno had very little knowledge of what was really happening in Auschwitz and all around the world. Boyne had also made Bruno use a very shameful and inappropriate term in his book. Instead of “Auschwitz”, Bruno called it “Out-With”. After Boyne had added this term into his book, I felt as though he took Bruno’s naïvete way too far. John Boyne’s book, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, shouldn’t be used as a teaching tool for the Holocaust. It is far too inappropriate and disgraceful for such a grave topic. The Holocaust was full of atrocities. If you are teaching younger audiences about the Holocaust, in my opinion, you should adhere to basic age appropriate facts of what truly happened without minimizing or detracting from the cruelties that the victims

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