The Bible Condones Suicide

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I don’t think the Bible condones suicide, but it sounds to me like God doesn’t appreciate folks messing over the lives of little kids. I should probably mix in widows, elderly, disabled, and animals too. The idea that it is suggested that a person is better of tying a 1500kg grinding stone around their necks, then to disabuse the innocent mind of a child or weaker vessel, tells us all we need to know about how God feels about this form of abuse.

Stories like the one(s) uncovered by the Boston Globe team of journalists in Spotlight opens us up to all kinds of reactions and judgments about who the real enemies are. It's not that it's impossible or unfathomable to imagine a person or institution falling short. We all fall short in some way every …show more content…

Still, the Bible functions as a source of advisement to and for us even in areas of public relations as it pertains to damage control, and internal controls and protocols on how to go about handling both light and weightier matters.
To paraphrase in layman’s terms, if someone, anyone (i.e., a significant other, brother, sister, friend, associate, co-worker, supervisor, a perceived enemy, etc.) offends you in some way, you should go to them first. Don’t talk behind their backs or recklessly confide in someone else before you first confront that person. Obviously, you want to approach them in a manner that’s cordial and concordant. If they receive what you have to say, you’ll more than likely earn their trust and respect. If going to them in private doesn’t work out, then you are instructed to get counsel. That doesn’t mean you should bring in your best friend or running buddy to help you work things out. Counsel should be administered by a professional, neutral party, or some one in your respective circles who both of you would agree is a wise and viable liaison. If that doesn’t work, now you can open things up a bit. In the case of the church, individuals may be brought to bear their souls before a small or large body of …show more content…

Do we really want the same politics seeping over into organized religion too? I love how Annie Apple, mother of NY Giants cornerback Eli Apple, put it in her Survivin’ America “My Beef with Republican and Democrats” Blog:

“Every presidential election season, Republicans make pro-life the only issue, while Democrats want you to either profess that God doesn't exist or you're not to believe what He clearly says. Democrats want you to deny your faith to walk the line of the party, but who are we without faith in our Creator? Republicans claim to be the God party and morality police, but their hate for President Obama seems stronger than their love for God. Their commitment to deregulation at all cost and often disdain for those who don't look like them or agree with then often nullifies their morality message.

Democrats want to be all things to all people all of the time. You can't be all things to all people all the time. You have to put your foot down every now and then and say heck no. Democrats have become the white walls in a new apartment. Paint whatever color you want and when you leave, make sure it's white again so someone else can paint whatever color he or she wants. That's not reality. Republicans have become less pro-people and more pro-self and politics. Republicans have become the party who's counting on voters love for unborn babies and hate of others to

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