The American Institute Of Stress Among College Students

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Mental Health Problems are on the rise among college students. In this excerpt from the American Institute of Stress, it states, “ “stress”, as it is currently used was coined by Hans Selye in 1936, who defined it as “the nonspecific response of the body to any demand for change” “. This excerpt, to my knowledge, is stating that stress is a response from the body when a change occurs. Considering the circumstances, it is reasonable to infer that the stress college students are feeling are from the many changes that they are going through whenever they reach their first year of college.
Imagine: you are a high school student who has been plucked out of their childhood and put into their newly acquired adulthood. College can be an amazing experience …show more content…

This is the first time in a young adult’s life that they have to worry about an increase of financial obligations. It is a huge change to go from having the opportunity to graduate high school free of charge and then having to figure out how you are going to pay for college. Many students take out student loans or scrape out enough scholarship money to make it by. Sometimes this just isn’t enough and you are left with an outstanding balance after financial aid and grant money. This leads to having to get a job to pay out of pocket or doing work study. Another contributing factor of stress that is placed on a college student’s shoulders are long hours. Going through college classes are tiring …show more content…

Along with homework, a college student might be placed in the position where they have to do work study, or get a job to support themselves. Considering how hard college classes are to get through, they would probably get a lot harder if you threw in a job on top of that. A heavy workload can quickly become a main source of stress, especially with college classes to go.
The last contributing factor a college student is faced with is leaving home. Most of the time, the college a student wants to attend is too far away to drive back and forth to, so they move on campus. Moving is generally a stressful situation for anyone. You are placed in an unfamiliar environment with new classes and new faces. This can become stressful when you start to miss home. Being the new kid at any school can always become stressful knowing that you don’t have any friends and it doesn’t feel like home.
There are actions students can take to reduce and overcome stress. Students need to know that the situation they’re in, is for the better. They need to

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