The Affirmative Argumentative

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The Affirmative will say many things. They will tell you that there is a problem in the Central American countries, problems which cause civil wars. On this, they are correct. The Affirmative will then state that those civil wars create a large number of homeless refugees. They may even give you a statistic to go with that fact. Because it is, indeed, a strong, inarguable, factual statement, with numbers to support it. And so on this, we agree. The Affirmative would then say that the next reasonable place to go is the United States of America as our citizens get many benefits, such as health-care, education, low income housing, and many others. And the Affirmative may even quote at you a report from the Department of Homeland Security, explaining just how many people per fiscal year immigrate to this country, legally or otherwise. …show more content…

However, what they will tell you next is where the Affirmative and Negative begin their disagreement. The Affirmative will tell you that accepting these people into our country is a bad thing. The Affirmative will give you many reasons why this is bad. Reasons like “The Immigrants are using public benefits, and aren’t citizens. These people aren’t paying taxes, but they are still benefiting from our public support system. We are being taken advantage of by these people.” These are indeed problems, but the Affirmative has made them appear more harmful than they actually are. What the Affirmative fails to mention is how these people are good for our economy. As economist Adam Zarasky explains, in his paper A Burden to America? Immigration and the

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