The Advantages and Disadvantages of Same-Sex Schools

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When it comes to Same-Sex schools many people have mixed feelings about it. Whether to them it may be a good thing to have single sex schools or bad. When you think of single sex schools the first thing that may come to your mind may be “I would never survive in an all boy/girl school” depending on what your age may be. But there are as much and possibly more advantages then there are disadvantages. When it comes to females in a single sex school their learning experiences and outcomes may be different of that from males. There are many statistics suggesting that all boy or girl schools are more beneficial to the students, as opposed to a tradition co-ed school. But many other statics may say otherwise.
One reason people might say all male or female schools are better is because there is no distraction from the opposite sex, or no pressure of maintaining an expectable appearance or look to the male/female eye and because this is one less big distraction the student will be more focused then they would be at an integrated school. A disadvantage is that in the future of the student’s life when they have to go into the real world, they may be at a lost as to how to socially interact with the opposite sex. But in many people opinion (and mine) academics are more important than someone’s social life. Your social life will only take you so far in life, but knowledge is forever. Males and females do work at a different pace and in different ways. Girls seem to learn what the nature of the beast is if they have been to single sex schools whereas boys taught on their own seem to find girls more puzzling. (Garner, 25). Boys learn better when they are with girls and they actually learn to get on better. (Garner, 38).
Garner experienced a ...

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...y. All the way back to around the 1900’s, education in America was contained largely with-in a single-sex framework. That structure was the result of societal views, expectations, and opportunities for each gender. As rule, males required more formalization education to facilitate their expected worldly occupations, and females received a much less formalized education, rich on the practical skills necessary for their anticipated domestic life. Males and females require such different educational experiences and subject matter that they were educated separately. (Cohen) In the colonial times boys and girls were educated separately. But by the mid-19th century financing for education was becoming a public expense and boys and girls began to share classes. But they still sat in separate sections. Coeducation has only been a norm in the U.S. since the very late 1800’s.

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