The Abortion Debate

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At current rates, about one in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches age 45. Moreover, a broad cross section of U.S. women will have an abortion. Abortion is a very sensitive topic these days. There are two opposing sides that have a significant amount of information to prove their view-points. The biggest debate is if it should be banned. This is an issue that has been going on since the early 1970’s through a court case that started it all. Much controversy has arisen due to the debating of whether abortion was a fundamental right and each state has had the chance to vote accordingly. Roe vs. Wade is a popular case that started this uproar of citizen view of abortion in America. In 1973 this case the United …show more content…

Recently in New jersey, there was a hospital requiring nurses to perform an abortion. Many nurses were appalled at this for the simple fact that they did not want to do it. These nurses did not have the experience killing these babies in the first place. Their jobs were in jeopardy if they did not do as they were told. This was difficult for some nurses because they did not want to risk losing their jobs nor killing an innocent baby. However, it is against Federal and State law to pressure someone to choose from their job over something they do not believe in. The hospital was punished and sued but still things happen like this till this very present …show more content…

This anonymous person was pro-choice, while I am pro-life. I strongly believe in no abortions due to several reasons. It is Christian based, meaning it is based on what the Bible says is right. I do not believe in murdering innocent babies, they are human when conceived. Imagine women who can’t have a baby but long foe one or a house full or ones who have miscarriages and hold that form of life in their hands. They are forming into little humans. As many women that go through things like not being able to conceive or miscarriages, they strongly believe in trying to produce a new life. The only thing I don’t believe for pro-life is the use of birth control. Babies are just as alive inside the womb as they would be outside. Per pro-life they don’t believe in it; however, I

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