Ten Commandments And Beatitudes Similarities

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With religion comes rules/ laws and blessings from the Almighty One. Some of them being: the Ten Commandments, the Code of Hammurabi, and the Beatitudes. The Ten commandments are ten rules given to us by God. The Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian law code saying what you cannot do and if you do them what your consequences are. The Beatitudes are from Jesus’ sermon on the Mount and are blessings given to us by God. All three of these are similar, but yet different in their own ways. The Ten Commandments and the Code of Hammurabi are similar because they are rules that have already been made for the people. They are both laws on how we the people should act. They were both set in place to try and benefit our daily lives. Both of these recordings of the laws were very complex and unique for the time they were written. The Commandments and the Beatitudes are similar because they were both gifts given to us by God and they both are recorded in our bible. They both suggest ways on how we should live our lives. We are called to follow both of these. To our benefit, they are both written very clearly, which allows us to follow them more easily. The Code of Hammurabi and the Beatitudes are similar because they both intend on us following them to use them to help us in finding our way day by day. They were both written by the …show more content…

The Commandments are laws in which determine how we act and what we do and the Beatitudes are on how we should act. The Commandments were given to us directly by God and the Beatitudes were given to us by God, but through the teachings of Jesus. The Ten Commandments are found on the stone tablets given by Jesus and the Beatitudes are found in the Gospel of Matthew. The Commandments are more commonly known and taught today. There are Ten Commandments, but only eight

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