The Core Ethical Teachings of Judaism

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The core ethical teachings of Judaism are the Commandments of the Torah, the Prophetic Vision and the Book of Proverbs. These ethical teachings are all ultimately derived from the Jewish Bible or Tanakh. The importance of these teachings are to provide Jewish adherents with informed moral choices. One of the most important ethical issues that a Jewish adherent may face is pollution, decisions must be made in favor of methods that involve less rather than greater destruction to the earth because according to Bal Toshkit in the Prophetic Vision, the destruction of God’s creation is prohibited.

The commandments of the Torah provide Jewish adherents with ethical and moral teachings of Judaism. The commandments of the Torah contain: the 613 Mitzvot, Ten Commandments, Oral Torah and the Covenant. The 613 Mitzvot provides the widest administration of Jewish ethical principles, which are regarded as the basis of Jewish ethics. The Ten Commandments are a summary of the 613 Mitzvot. The first five commandments discuss the relationship between God and Jewish people, whereas the next five com...

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