Telling The Truth Essay

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Can Telling the Truth Be A Bad Thing?

Today we live in a world where telling the truth can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Being honest can get you very far in life. Of course we would like to know the truth all the time, but sometimes telling the truth can be a hard thing to do. As we get older we start to understand when the appropriate time is to tell the truth and to not tell the truth. Growing up our parents have always told us to tell the truth and to not lie. As kids we just listened to whatever our parents told us because why would they lie to us right? Sometimes there’s situations where at the moment telling the truth isn’t the best thing to do in that specific moment. Being honest and telling the truth still has a lot of value today. …show more content…

Lately we’ve been getting numerous reports about fake news. Fake news is basically a political lie to get the people to not like the other person or campaign because they want the people to be on their side so they can win whatever they’re running for. Most of us are perceived to fake news by simply watching CNN, NBC, and other major worldwide tv networks. Now that most of us have smart phone, simply just clicking on an article could mean you’re reading into fake news and something or someone else. Reading something on the internet doesn’t mean the article is true and it doesn’t mean you should believe it because people have their own perspectives and have their own opinion about people. Sometimes news or information can be misleading and can quickly change how

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