Technologically Literate

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Technologically Literate
In response to the rising popularity of the casual language using in texting and on social media websites, many have come to the conclusion that today’s youth are barely literate. Andrea Lunsford addresses these concerns in “Our Semi-Literate Youth”. Lunsford explains that despite the use of casual language, studies show that today’s youth are just as literate as previous generations. Although many criticize the use of text and social media, perhaps we can learn from these relatively new forms of communication.
Andrea Lunsford’s “Our Semi-Literate Youth” explains that there are, it seems, a few benefits from the use of websites such as Twitter and Facebook. Contrary to popular belief, studies show that the rise of social media and the casual language associated with it have has not caused a decline in literacy. In fact, Lunsford states that literacy rates have remained roughly the same for the last 100 years. It appears that instead of declining, literacy is evolving. For instance, students are making fewer mistakes in spelling, but more mistakes with “wro...

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