Teachers Should Be Allowed To Carry Guns In Schools

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Safety in Schools

For the safety of students and teachers we need to be educated on the kind of catastrophes that could possibly occur in our schools. Recently, there have been many disastrous inconveniences involving schools and weapons. We immediately think to increase safety in our schools by fool-proofing our lockdown drills, and even considered letting our teachers carry weapons.

There are many studies done, but one says it so concisely: "School shootings have been happening for hundreds of years now" (David). These events have been increasing in the last few decades because of how much access we have to weaponry. All the inconveniences that have happened do not have anything to do with our current gun laws. If we prohibit guns all over the country it is not going to stop people from having guns, buying, and or selling them. When America was dealing with the alcohol prohibition it caused even more crimes and problems than it being the solution to any of the issues that they had. A gun prohibition could start a whole underground industry of people selling guns and people illegally buying …show more content…

People kill people (Yoder Rebekah)" which is correct, no one has ever seen a gun get up from where it was placed and start harming people. Teachers should be allowed to carry guns in schools for the safety of the students because you never know what could happen. Even though allowing teachers to bear weapons on school campus would require teachers to be more responsible, and possibly have higher requirements. Requirements such as field tests to see what our teachers would do if they were faced with such situation of actually having to use their weapons also test to see if our teachers are qualified to bear weapons. Letting teachers bear weapons would be worth it because then our kids would be safer, and the students would also feel safer if they knew that their teacher could defend them if anything where to

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