Taking a Look at the British East India Company

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The British East India Company was an essential part of Britain’s growing influence throughout the world and later, its transformation into a strong economic nation. Founded in 1600 with the royal seal of approval from Queen Elizabeth I, the company built boats for its first voyages to the East Indies a year later. Over the course of time, as the company’s profits increased and its value and prestige grew, it became a large political force and a vital piece of the British economy. The British East India Company was a very important piece of developing systems of commerce and trade today. (?)
Queen Elizabeth I signed off on trade because it would increase the amount of interactions between Britain and other countries and believed it could greatly benefit the country itself in the long run. This shows that even Queen Elizabeth I was willing to expand the borders of England and make it a more prosperous, profitable country by taking a risk with a company that might have failed. The British East India Company, at first, started out as a small enterprise with the goal to bypass eastern ...

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