Sympathy For The Devil Monologue

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"Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste." Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil Well, I'm neither a man or wealthy and have questionable taste, but this is what comes to mind when I'm asked who I am! I usually end up blurbing something garbled, and laughing strangely before trailing off into awkward silence. This my friends, is why I write. When telling people I'm an introvert- especially if they had met me at work- I'm looked at with disbelief. True though. The work environment gave me an external script to play from, and I could act bubbly and smooth talk my patients into feeling somewhat relaxed. Key word here is act. In real life however, I stammered, which made mastering the art of small talk or a snappy comeback, a daunting task. People did not play along with my inner dialogue and I was constantly frustrated by my inability to effectively communicate verbally. This is what led to my keeping journals, and gradually I started stringing words together in ways that pleased me- and I became addicted to scribbling (and I do mean scribbling) across a page. …show more content…

Big. My son, who has Aspergers and ADD, also writes. He prefers Spoken Word, and we'll save his story (from a Mother's perspective) for another day. I am so proud of my brats. They are kind, compassionate, possess great (odd?) senses of humour, and are independent thinkers. What more could a mother ask

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