Monologue From The Outsiders

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At the same time: Snap-Whoosh-Growl-Snap-Whoosh-Growl! Return with a fierceness, causing the rest of the men to separate into two groups with some moving to the left in search of the origin of the beastly sounds and the others moving to the right, combining their numbers with those searching for their missing brethren, while Gottlieb stays behind.
Gottlieb observes his men from a distance, holding on tightly to his sword. He grips it tightly, feeling a presence lurking behind him, and turns with his maroon eyes aflame, knocking an unknown man to the ground. “Who are you!” he yells, climbing on top of him.
Gottlieb’s men instantly spun around, dashing toward him, but are abruptly halted by the forest’s floor violently shaking underneath them, …show more content…

His emerald eyes are aglow with worry: pivoting from his wife to his son and then to the trees. He feels through the sole of his feet the toll that the sickness has already taken on the lands and knew the forest will no longer be habitable for his people to live in. “I’ll aid you in your cause, but let this be known, Outsider. This does not mean my people are taking sides in your strife. Your plight is none of our concern. The only thing which matters to us is the welfare of this forest,” the Leader proclaims, turning on the balls of his feet. “I shall take you to the sacred tree,” he continues with Gottlieb and all of his men treading behind him, “but beware-”
The Leader gasp, feeling a sudden hot sensation, burning through his body, and releases a painful moan, when dropping to his knees. He peeks over his shoulder to Gottlieb with a look of betrayal and blood seeping into the fabric of his clothing, creating a large circle. He keels over with his eyes wide open.
Gottlieb stood in stunned silence, peering down to his lifeless body and spots from the corner of his eye the Leader’s son.
His mother hands the young boy to another and touches the trunk of the tree, closing the entrance with the rest turning away, leaving only her standing alone, glaring at

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