Sykes-Picot agreement and Lawrence of arabia

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The Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916 and Lawrence of Arabia
The Sykes-Picot Agreement was an agreement that was concluded in May of 1916, by two British and French diplomats, Sir Mark Sykes and Georges Picot. The Agreement regarded the partition of the Ottoman Empire once The First World War had ended. It effectively split the area known as Asia-Minor into a ‘’British sphere of influence’’ and a ‘’French sphere of influence’’. While these territories weren’t actually ‘’owned’’ by either country, in practice they were in control at both a governmental and administrative level. The negotiations were conducted in secret between Britain, France and tsarist Russia and were not revealed to the public until classified documents were made public after the Bolshevik Revolution. The agreement was had many long-term effects ,the results of which can still be seen in the middle-east.
The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916 and was officially known as the ‘’Asia-Minor Agreement’’. It defined the proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East should the allies defeat the Ottoman Empire. It was for the most part negotiated between France and Britain with Russia as a minor party. The first round of discussions took place on the 23 of November and the second on the 21 of December with the agreement becoming official in May 1916. Under the agreement France was allocated the areas comprising of Turkish Cilicia, the Lebanon and coastal Syria with an Arab state under French supervision in modern day Syria. Britain received parts of southern Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan while supervising an Arab state situated between the River Jordan and Negev desert. Russia was to receive the Turkish straits and modern day Arm...

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...le in forming borders which have caused conflicts and sectarianism up to present day.
In the end the agreement was far from ideal; the Great powers sought only short term gain without any real regard for the future and way the region was simply ‘’carved up’’ would sow the seeds for countless wars in the coming century. The agreement was condemned by American President Wilson as it contradicted his fourteen point plan regarding self-determination of nations. It was seen as the Colonial power reverting to the greedy imperialism which many believed was the cause of WW1. As one expert on the Middle East later stated; "The Sykes-Picot deal was designed in a manner that fulfils the interest of the West based on the ground realities that existed at the time i.e. it was a solution that was far from optimal in establishing a stable long term existence in the Middle East’’.

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