The lives and prosperity of millions of people depend on peace and, in turn, peace depends on treaties - fragile documents that must do more than end wars. Negotiations and peace treaties may lead to decades of cooperation during which disputes between nations are resolved without military action and economic cost, or may prolong or even intensify the grievances which provoked conflict in the first place. In 1996, as Canada and the United States celebrated their mutual boundary as the longest undefended border in the world, Greece and Turkey nearly came to blows over a rocky island so small it scarcely had space for a flagpole.1 Both territorial questions had been raised as issues in peace treaties. The Treaty of Ghent in 1815 set the framework for the resolution of Canadian-American territorial questions. The Treaty of Sevres in 1920, between the Sultan and the victorious Allies of World War I, dismantled the remnants of the Ottoman Empire and distributed its territories. Examination of the terms and consequences of the two treaties clearly establishes that a successful treaty must provide more than the absence of war.
How do the terms or implementation of treaties determine peace or conflict decades later? Efforts to build a just and lasting peace are complicated not only because past grievances must be addressed, but future interests must be anticipated-even when such future interests were not identified as the cause of war in the first place. Edward Teller, discussing the Manhattan Project, observed, "No endeavor which is worthwhile is simple in prospect; if it is right, it will be simple in retrospect."2 Only if a nation perceives that continuing observance of the treaty will sustain the state over a long period of time and in changing circumstances, the peace and security promised by the treaty will endure. Machiavelli observed that ". . . fear of loss of the State by a prince or republic will overcome both gratitude and treaties."3
The Treaty of Ghent supports the notion that the essential long-term national interests of both parties are the most important factor in peace treaty success. Both the United States and Great Britain clearly perceived that they had real grievances and cause for war in 1812. However, within a short time, both nations realized they had a greater interest in peace without regard to most of the issues that provoked the conflict.
A Separate Peace is a coming of age novel in which Gene, the main character, revisits his high school and his traumatic teen years. When Gene was a teen-ager his best friend and roommate Phineas (Finny) was the star athlete of the school.
Since the beginning of time, war has been the go to method for a conflict resolution. War itself has sparked turmoil. Yet no matter how many protest, war will most likely remain the best way to solve a global issue until the day peace has been unanimously settled. The war of 1812 lasted about 3 years. Britain's efforts in restriction the U.S. trade lead to this war. America had taken numerous devastating losses, such as the capture of Washington D.C. The ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on February 17, 1815, ended the war. The war of 1812 was known as second war of independence and was called the beginning an era of partisan agreement and national pride, or the “Era of good feelings”. “The Era of good feelings” was an inaccurate label for
The literary analysis essay for A Separate Peace entitled Chapter 7: After the Fall notes that Gene’s brawl with Cliff Quackenbush occurs for two reasons: the first reason being that Gene was fighting to defend Finny, and the second reason being that Quackenbush is the antithesis of Finny. Cliff Quackenbush calls Gene a “maimed son-of-a-bitch”, since Gene holds a position on the team that is usually reserved for physically disabled students, and Gene reacts by hitting him in the face (Knowles, 79). At first, Gene remarks that he didn’t know why he reacted this way, then he says, “it was almost as though I were maimed. Then the realization that there was someone who was flashed over me”, referring to Finny (Knowles, 79). Quackenbush is “the adult world of punitive authority personified”, his voice mature, his convictions militaristic (Chapter, 76). Quackenbush reminds Gene of the adult world and all of the things that Finny and Devon protected him from, such as war.
The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the United States fought primarily in Upper Canada. It had many causes, few which involved British North America. The results of the war include the fact that there was no clear winner or loser among them. The only real losers in the situation were the Natives in the region. They were driven out of their lands and customs. None of the borders was changed by the war, though many attempts were made. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, did nothing to advance the state of the countries. It went so far as to end the war and put things back the way that they were, but the main causes of the conflict were not addressed or dealt with. In order to evaluate the significance of this war, Canadian victories and losses, as well as overall results, must be analyzed.
The role of college athletics in the American home is known to all. The traditional football games on Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. March Madness for NCAA men's basketball as well as the year's end Rose bowl for college football leaves fans glued to their televisions for hours. Millions of Americans stare at ESPN or absorb themselves in the most recent issue of Sports Illustrated just to catch the latest news on their favorite teams' recruits, recent games, and statistics. Often just viewed as a past time to most it is easy to lose sight of why these athletes are on the field , court, etc. to begin with. Believe it or not, it's for their education. These young adults ranging anywhere from seventeen to twenty-three years of age are all members of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). As such these students must initially meet the requirements to get accepted into their chosen university, participate in their sport, and ultimately graduate from their selected institution. It is often forgotten that these members are students first and athletes second. Delving deeper into this very controversial matter are the race and gender issues that come into play. The most affected minority group affected by these stipulations and is the African American. While struggling through the ongoing prejudice and discrimination that still exists today, African American athletes are still expected to follow the same guidelines as every other student that participates in college athletics. By investigating the trends from the past years of African American athletes beginning with their entrance into college throughout their athletic and academic careers and then a...
The first type of child abuse is physical abuse. stated that, this type of abuse should be stopped as soon as possible, for it could result in death. It involves any type of physical discipline that causes visible injuries or wounds on a child. Any abuse that results in a severe injury needing medical care that could be life threatening, cause mental or physical impairment or chronic pain classified as physical child abuse (Childabuse).
John Knowles writes a compelling realistic fiction about the lives of two teenage boys throughout the start of World War II in his novel A Separate Peace. Peter Yates the director of the movie plays the story out in a well organized theatrical manner. There are similarities and differences in these two works of art. However; there are also similarities.
Child Abuse is behavior by and adult that harms a child’s physical, mental, or emotional health and development. Some types of child abuse are neglect, and physical abuse. An example of neglect would be medical neglect. This is where the child does not get the proper medical attention needed. Some examples of physical abuse would be sexual and physiological.
For our evidence based practice project, we chose the topic of child maltreatment. We wondered if child maltreatment affects the growth and development of school-age children. “The broad term child maltreatment includes intentional physical abuse or neglect, emotional abuse and neglect, and sexual abuse of children, usually by adults” (Perry, Hockenberry, Lowdermilk & Wilson, 2010, p. 1066). Child Protective Services agencies in the United States estimated that there were 900,000 children who were victims of child maltreatment in 2005. Of these confirmed cases, 17% were victims of physical abuse, 9% were victims of sexual abuse, 63% were victims of neglect, and 7% were victims of emotional abuse. The 2006 estimates indicated that about 1530 children died as a result of maltreatment (Perry, Hockenberry, Lowdermilk & Wilson, 2010, p. 1066). We hypothesized that child maltreatment does adversely affect the growth and development of school-age children.
Myers, John E. B., Lucy Berliner, John Briere, C. Terry Hendrix, Carole Jenny, and Theresa A. Reid. The APSAC Handbook on the Abuse of Children, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2002. Print.
An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today (Darness2Light, 2009a ). This figure continues to grow daily as perpetrators of this crime continue in this destructive path. The definition of child sexual abuse is the force, coercion, or cajoling of children into sexual activities by a dominant adult or adolescent. Sexual abuse of children includes touching (physical) sexually including: fondling; penetration (vaginal or anal using fingers, foreign objects or offenders organs; oral sex, or non-physical contact including: sexual comments; indecent exposures; masturbating in a child’s presence; child prostitution or child pornography (Child Welfare, 2009a).
The “shifting landscape” that Welch speaks of refers to a global political shift where power has moved from the central institutions to smaller, intrastate actors. Interstate wars have declined sharply in number since the end of World War II. The rise of nongovernmental and international organizations, the establishment of cooperation agreements and confidence-building measures, and the increasing presence of the news media, are all elements that have relegated traditional wars to a thing of the past.
Child abuse is defined as the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. Nowadays, you hear about numerous child abuses every year and every year the statists grow larger. Tens of thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abusers or by caregivers who neglect them, making child abuse as common as it is shocking. Most people cannot imagine what would make adults use violence against a child, and the worse the behavior is, the more unimaginable it seems. People do not realize the different forms of abuse children may receive. This list includes physical, mental, emotional, neglect, and sexual abuse. The psychological result of each abused child is often the same: deep emotional scars and a feeling of worthlessness.
Pillars of Peace, an annual report published by the Institute for Economics and Peace, consistently indicates that nations with high levels of development, democracy and economic prosperity are unlikely to engage in interstate conflicts. This provides the framework for yet another crucial argument in favor of free trade and globalization. In his article, The Capitalist Peace, Eric Gartzke (2007) does a rigorous statistical analysis into how free trade effects a variety of sociological metrics such as development, democracy, prosperity and peace. Gartzke found a high correlation between each of these factors. Most notably, he found a mutually causal relationship between free trade and each sociological metric. That is, free trade causes development, democracy and peace and vice versa. Acemoğlu and Robinson (2011) give insight into the mechanisms of this mutually causal relationship. They claim that elements of the global economy and by extension, affluence, will make their way into any country that recognizes property rights and has some form of democracy. Thus, one can say that the policy of governments have an effect on their likeliness to engage in international conflicts. This point is illustrated by Thomas Freedman(1999 ) who came up with the “Golden Arches Theory of Peace.” Freedman discovered that no two countries in which
Finkelhor, Asdigian, Dzibuba-letherman. (1995). The Effectivness of Victimization Prevention programs for children: A follow up. American Journal of Public Health, 85(12), 1684-1689.