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The Response to Superheroes Superheroes, superhumans, supers, metahumans, and enhanced individuals all refer to people who try to make the world better through extraordinary means. In comics, masked vigilantes fight crime daily. Individuals with great power or amazing skills protect cities or even countries. Depending on the hero, local law enforcement is more than happy to have extra help, especially in situations that regular officers may not survive. However, the Federal Government often mistrusts, seeks to capture for experiments, or tries to assassinate enhanced individuals. If superheroes were real, the scope of their power would determine public, corporate, military, and government involvement into the affairs of the individual. The …show more content…

The Dark Vigilante title constitutes persons whose modus operandi is lethal force. A Vigilante refers to individuals without powers who do not kill. The moniker Hero applies to the people with relatively low level powers. “God-like” superhumans are nearly invulnerable coupled with other powers they have no peers. These metahumans can annihilate entire nations at will. The public would not tolerate Dark Vigilantes, so they have two reasonable outcomes. The first outcome, the Dark Vigilante will be instantly flagged as a murder by the police and the public. SWAT units would be sent to dispatch of the Dark Vigilante, and if he/she is arrested then he/she will be tried for murder, assault, and other felonies. The second outcome, the Dark Vigilante becomes a hired gun for a government agency either before the sentence or after the sentence to reduce prison …show more content…

These “God-like” heroes would be at the center of public attention. Some religions may consider the individual to be their deity, and certainly some people will worship the “God-like” individual. Local governments have no chance to control the hero. The media would treat the superhuman like a world leader. The Federal Government would be forced by themselves to sign a treaty with the metahuman; however, the government almost certainly would be working on a way to defeat them without nuclear force. If the “God-like” person works with the government, then the individual would be used as a nuclear deterrent to other countries. Even if the superhuman does not align themselves with the government, other countries will probably deny the person a visa, and if the person does enter another country it may be seen as an act of war.
Superheroes would factor heavily into elections. The people who love the hero might vote for whoever the metahuman supports. If political candidates could acquire the endorsement of heroes whole elections could be swung in the candidate's favor. Entire elections would revolve around who the local hero(es)

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