Summary Of We Do Abortions Here By Sallie Tisdale

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In today’s world abortions are being used as a gateway for unexpected pregnancies that are caused by many reasons, searching for a solution women tend to believe that an abortion is the easiest way to get rid of these undesired situations. In Sallie Tisdale’s essay “We Do Abortions here: A nurse’s story”, she describes the emotions and the rules that she as being a nurse in an abortion clinic has to deal with every day. Tisdale uses paradox, her point of view and metaphor to make the reader understand that choosing abortion, either way, will not have a happy ending.
Through her essay Tisdale uses paradox to help the reader to face the pain and difficulty surrounding abortion. She describes her work saying, “It is sweet brutality we practice here.” The use of paradox explains to the reader that abortion is harsh and brutal. Abortion ends the life of a fetus before it has the chance to grow and become a human, this is the ugly truth what abortions do. But according to Tisdale, abortions can also be sweet. She refers that abortion can be merciful, if a mother knows that she cannot carr...

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