Summary Of The Bestest Generation By Rich Cohen

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“The Bestest Generation” was published in Vanity Fair’s September 2017 issue. Through the course of the article the author, Rich Cohen, argued that Generation X is the greatest generation and even a source of hope for the future of society.

The majority of the article compared Generation X to the baby boomers and, to a lesser extent, to millennials. These generation are larger, and louder, then Generation X, claimed Cohen, yet he believed that Generation X is the one that is crucial to maintaining American tradition as we know it. He emphasis that Generation X is “Cynical, wised up, [and] sane.”

The article is more of an essay than a traditional news story, and it is not entirely fact based as it is spun around Cohen’s beliefs. However, the article fits the, admittedly looser, mold of a magazine article. It is evident that Cohen conducted thorough research on Generation X in order to write this piece as it is over flowing with pop-culture references and historical facts, cleverly used to back up his point. Some of the richest details he writes make up section the era in which both Generation X and the Baby Boomer’s grew up, including how their parents childhood effected their parenting style. …show more content…

Cohen, who is himself a member of the self-proclaimed “Bestest Generation,” speaks in first person often through out the article. At one point he includes a list of influential figures born that are part of Generation X, then follows it up with a list of his personal favourites. This writing choice is not typical, but it is suited for a magazine article as it creates a fun and readable

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