Questioning Jay's Reliability: A Serial Analysis

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Summary and Response: The Deal with Jay In Episode 8 of Sarah Koenig’s podcast, Serial, Koenig claims that Jay isn’t a reliable enough source of information for the state to find Adnan guilty of the murder. She argues that there are too many inconsistencies in the story that he has told police over and over, and that there are too many problems in the story that the police use against Adnan. Episode 8 begins Koenig interviewing Stella Armstrong, a juror in Adnan’s case who voted to convict Adnan of the murder. Stella immediately remembered Jay and said that she believed him, because he admitted to helping in the crime, so she thought that he would have to go to jail too… but he didn’t. Armstrong seemed taken back by that, she really thought he was gonna end up in trouble too. Armstrong then goes on to summarize the case, saying that Gutierrez, Adnan’s defense attorney, was trying to say that Jay murdered Hae, and that he was trying to frame Adnan. She talks about how persistent and aggressive Gutierrez is when questioning Jay, and how Jay stays calm and patient, answering every question politely. Koenig and her assistant Julie realize that if they can talk to Jay face to face, they might be able to get the information that they …show more content…

She is targeting anyone that wants to know the truth about the case, and anyone that wants to make sure that the trial was fair for Adnan. This would usually be Adnan, his family, as well as anyone else that knew Adnan or Hae, but because this is a podcast, she is able to reach anyone that would like to listen to this challenging case and form an opinion for themselves. Mystery fans from across the world can tune in to the podcast and listen, the audience is a very broad and elusive

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