Jay In Serial

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In Serial, a podcast where Sarah Koenig investigates the murder of Hae Min Lee, there are many ambiguities surrounding Jay, his image, and story. The facts about Jay are unclear. The major ambiguities in Jay’s story give significance to the minor ambiguities. A major ambiguity - Jay confesses as an accomplice in crime. Furthermore, Jay lists all the actions he takes to aid Adnan. Another major ambiguity - Jay paints Adnan as cruel and bloodthirsty, even though nobody else paints Adnan as cruel or bloodthirsty. The following minor ambiguities can be resolved if we ignore the big picture. A minor ambiguity - Jay does not phone the police to report the planned murder; upon notification, the police might have been able to prevent the planned murder. …show more content…

Jay describes his active-involvement with Adnan in the crime. If Jay tells us the truth, he brings Adnan to school, holds onto Adnan’s cellphone and car so he could pick Adnan up when Adnan calls; picks Adnan up after he committed the murder, cruises around with Adnan, and brings Adnan to track practice. Additionally, Jay cruises around with Adnan in the afternoon, accompanies Adnan to LeakIn park and aids Adnan in digging the hole to bury Hae. Which criminal incriminates oneself? When Jay speaks about picking up Adnan he says: “I noticed that Hae wasn't with him. I parked next to him. He asked me to get out the car. I get out the car. He asks me, am I ready for this? And I say, ready for what? And he takes the keys. He opens the trunk. And all I can see is Hae's lips are all blue, and she's pretzeled up in the back of the trunk. And she's dead.” Jay goes to pick up Adnan from the actual murder and describes the episode in detail. Jay uses short sentences for dramatic effect, and speaks confidently, which is unusual when incriminating …show more content…

Additionally, Koenig makes an ambiguous statement which may further involve Jay in the crime. Koenig said, “they drive to Jay's to get some shovels,” together with Adnan, Jay went to pick up shovels from Jay’s. What is Jay’s? Is Jay’s, Jay’s house? Is Jay’s a store? Does Koenig leave out this soundbite of the interview with Jay about Jay’s, because it is implicitly discussed? Later, Jenn mentions Jay said the shovels were from Jay’s house. Koenig is manipulating the presentation, through the order in which the facts get discussed to keep us unsure as to who is the guilty party. She therefore, never throws too much guilt on to a single person at a given

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