Summary Of Double Consciousness In African Dubois

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Being raised by an African American Father and White mother, The Souls of Black Folk was extremely informative and shifted my entire perspective of how race shaped oppression and inequality. DuBois’ technique of unlayering the complex structure of racism with words while painting a detailed explanation of double consciousness to millions of people of all races is brilliant. Dubois message was able to reach and teach the truths to people outside the black community, the reality of living as an African American in America. With Dubois’ critical observations on Double consciousness, the readers are able to understand how American society oppressed, deteriorated relationships, and conditioned the black identity through racism within this country. Dubois divided double consciousness into a few different categories to make it very clear to the people who do not deal with this issue. Not only did he address the issue of racism and oppression, but he gave a vivid blueprint of how each component in society has affected and destroyed the African Americans in this country. He supports this claim by expressing how being black in America automatically makes one live in the veil. African …show more content…

By this there is a double meaning, one is being permanently labeled colored, and the other is the American label. This makes living in America extremely difficult since having this mixture creates chaos. African Americans did not choose to be Americans on their own freedom, whites forcibly brought these African Americans on slave ships and took them away from their motherland where they will soon be treated like worthless objects. As the truth becomes more transparent, blacks comprehend how living conditions are different for the non minorities, but the whites do not exactly comprehend the oppression African Americans have to face

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