Suffering in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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Jane's Journey Through Suffering in Jane Erye

In the book Jane Erye by Charolette Bronte, Jane encounters many different settings and people. Jane is put through horrible suffering and refuses to give her abusers the satisfaction of viewing her inner anguish. Jane accomplishes this through stoicism. This occurs many times in the book throughout Jane's life. Within Jane's life, she travels through her childhood home Gateshead Hall, Lowood School, and finally Edward Rochester's Thornfield. In each of these locations, Jane encounters obstacles which cause her suffering. And each time Jane maintains a stoic appearance, she gains these valuable necessities: strength, faith, knowledge, wealth, or independence. Each of these accumulate and combine to form her personality.
Jane's most powerful strength of stoicism is obtained while at her childhood home, Gateshead Hall. Jane is adopted at a young age by her cruel aunt Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Reed believes Jane is inferior to her own children and treats her with little respect and no love. She punishes Jane by locking her in a room when her own children tease Jane. Jane cries, but realizes it will do no good and attains the strength to stop. Through constant abuse similar to this, Jane becomes stoic. Ja...

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