Comparing Christianity And Islam

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On the surface Christianity and Islam have their very obvious differences, but at their core they hold many similarities. Both religions have monotheistic beliefs, meaning they believe that there is only one God. Both religions also have similar guidelines to their respective religion, The Five Pillars and The Ten Commandments. They do though; have different ways of worship, different holy cities and also different sacred writings. Both Christianity and Islam have monotheistic beliefs. Monotheism is the belief that there is only one God, contrary to this would be polytheism, the belief that there are many Gods. In Christianity, the Supreme Being is called, God. Christians, followers of the Christian faith, believe God is the creator and sustainer …show more content…

To begin with, their place of worship differs. Members of Islamic faith go to something called a mosque. A building where Muslims pray and take part in services. Before entering a mosque, one must take off his or her shoes. Mosques are large and have no places to sit. Everyone sits on the floor and is considered to be of equal status. While Christians go to a church to pray and engage in religious activity also, their place of worship holds many obvious differences. Unlike mosques, churches have plenty of chairs, pews set in rows, and a platform for the Priest and choir to stand on. Both religions also have a different holy city. Christians consider their holy city, Jerusalem to be the place where their religious founder, Jesus Christ, died and rose again. In Islamic faith, Mecca is considered the holy city. In Mecca is the Ka’ba, a mosque built around a black stone. The prophet Muhammad made Mecca the holy city and also designated it the direction in which all Muslim prayers are to be offered. Muslims believe the Ka’ba is the first place created on Earth and the place where heaven touches the Earth directly. The last of these differences is the sacred writings belonging to each of the two religions. In Islam, there is the Qur’an, which means “recitation,” in Arabic. In it contains the teachings of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. The Qur’an holds the highest authority in both religious matters, as …show more content…

Both rooted in a monotheistic background, these religions believe in only one God, Islam’s Allah, and Christianity’s God. Christians follow a certain set of religious guidelines, called the Ten Commandments, or the Decalogue, that serve as an expression of God’s word. Similarly, members of Islamic faith, follow a set of guidelines, called the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties expected of every Muslim. But like all religions, they have their respective differences, different sacred texts, The Bible—sacred to Christianity—and the sacred text of Islam, the Qur’an, different places of worship, known as a church and a mosque, and also different holy cities, Jerusalem and Mecca. These differences and similarities are the basis of two entirely different, yet entirely similar religions, and give each a unique take on spirituality and the act of being

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