Sue Jozui False Adverts

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As the general public becomes desensitized by mass celebrity endorsements, consumers self reflect on such methods of advertisements, whether they are ethically sound or merely exploiting the naivete of common buyers. Sue Jozui in her passage, concerning the issues of false advertising from companies argues that consumers should completely boycott this form of advertising while additionally legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers. The author supports her position by first giving examples of the types of celebrities that would endorse certain products that coincided in whatever the figure was doing, such as a certain athlete endorsing a protein bar. The authors purpose is to make the reader self reflect on whether they should …show more content…

Thus, the author reduces the consumers as naive and vulnerable to endorsed advertisements. For Example, most of it is common sense, consumers immediately know that Katy Perry doesn’t truly use Covergirl cosmetics in her everyday makeup routine, considering the amount of money she makes. Therefore, consumers are aware of this. They will still continue to buy the product because they enjoy the product, not simply for the celebrity endorsing it. Likewise, an advertisements intent are not meant to mislead but to promote their item. To survive in such a competitive market a company has to use certain methods to stand out. Therefore, using a celebrity is the most efficient and effective method of advertising. The celebrity is merely to be there to be the eye-catcher, once the consumer is drawn in, then their attention is turned towards the product. For Example, as a pro, when Serena Williams is promoting a new racquet from a company, she utilizes it in a way that highlights its best features. Thus, making the advertisement about the product, the celebrity is only an addition to make the advertisement complete. Finally, since most consumers already know the intentions and methods of advertisements, it is …show more content…

Likewise, just like how customers are given the free right to choose an decline the purchasing of a product, a company has the right to freely advertise in any form they desire. There are concerns that using celebrities gives an unfair advantage to the bigger companies amongst the smaller, less wealthier ones. However, America was built on the principle of competition so, it's inevitable that there would be wealthier companies. By asserting legislative rules, it infringes upon a company's artistic right to express their product in any method they choose. The writer makes a hasty conclusion that ignores the fundamental laws of American capitalism. If advertisements were to have lesser celebrity promotions, sales of the product wouldn’t change. Likewise, boycotting on popular products such as Nike won’t be effective, since people will continue to purchase their products. Throughout the passage, the author's argument is one sided without without shedding light on the opposite side, also their solutions were too radical and failed to incorporate a compromising

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