Substandard Medical Practices Of The Civil War Essay

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Substandard medical practices and incompetent medical staff operating during the Civil War are quite astounding. It is without doubt that over the last 150 years, the medical field has made profound advances compared to that of the third-rate medical practices of the mid-nineteenth century. If one only knew today’s medical practices as standard, they would find it shocking to know that it was once quite acceptable to practice such mediocre and unsanitary principles and procedures. Before learning about the substandard medical practices of the Civil War, one must first understand the insufficient training of doctors. Medical school students only received two years of education, and no residency with hands-on education was provided nor required. Most doctors did not attend medical school; instead, they served as apprentices to receive their training . Other mid-nineteenth century medical staff, including physician assistants, surgeon assistants, and nurses received less than mediocre to no professional education or training. Currently American doctors must attend four years of undergraduate college. After obtaining a bachelor degree, …show more content…

This was also apparent when the soldiers were hospitalized and treated with previously used, contaminated gauze. In 1862, gangrene began to appear after unsanitary processes and procedures created the perfect environment for gangrene, or presently termed necrotizing fasciitis. Gangrene quickly spread through the battlefield and hospitals resulting in sepsis, high fever, sterility, unbearably stinking boils, and ultimately death for many soldiers. It wasn’t until 1865, that researchers Jones and Woodward realized that isolating patients with gangrene utilizing medical supplies one time and then discarding them significantly reduced the diagnosis and spread of Gangrene

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