Stutters Effect On Society

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Over the history of our world, speech impediments have effected many people in our society. The disorder impacted icons including the Greek philosopher Aristotle, physicist Isaac Newton, singer Elvis Presley, golfer Tiger Woods and actor Bruce Willis. But one story that stands out is the reign of Queen Victoria, King George VI and was third in line for the throne after her death in 1901. In his early childhood the prince acquires a stammer. He was able to recite the “To be, or not to be” soliloquy perfectly; however, has trouble having generic conversations with his close family members like his brother and father. When he goes to a speech therapist, before inheriting the throne from his brother, his instructor teaches how to use muscles in …show more content…

Stutters occur when someone repeats a sound on accident. It usually occurs with the initial sounds in words. Stutters also start effecting people at a young age when children are first developing their language acquisition. Braunstein even shows research claiming that by getting therapy at a young age “resolved almost 80 percent of children, with less than 1 percent of adults being afflicted.” Therefore, the best way to prevent the issue becoming a bigger problem later on in their adult life is attack it at a young age. When going through therapy at a young age the brain is at the development stage able to adapt more quickly to the new strategies. It’s similar when someone is learning a new language. Neurologically, the student is able to adapt to the new language more quickly and effectively than an adult can. Dr. Maaseen explains more about the speech developments saying infants starting learning language by “babbling and sensomotoric learning, followed by more abstract phonological acquisitions...” while adults “already have acquired …show more content…

Now image every time talking someone replying ‘what.’ That is what it’s like for someone who has a speech disorder. It does not just effect issues within communications. It can cause children, even adults, to experience problems with self-development, confident, stage-freight and social-anxiety. Students in school get scared to speak in classroom and get made fun of for saying words incorrectly in front of their peers. It also make it harder to form new relationships with other people outside their comfortable zone. Speech therapy also helps with this aspect of the student’s lives. goes more depth on four main issues that children with speech disabilities may encounter including “monopolize conversations”, quite around people outside of their family, not understanding jokes, and getting tongue-ties easily. By going to therapy on a daily basis they will be able have more in-depth conversations and give them more confidence for themselves. They will feel like they can talk in front of their friends without mispronouncing words. They will also be able to get in front of crowd knowing that they can speak what they want to

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