Student Burnout Essay

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Introduction We spent a lot of our time discussing the educator burnout rate near the end of this class and while I think it is important for us to discuss, after all we plan to become educators and will have to face this burnout, I think it is also just as important to discuss student burnout. I feel as if so many educators forget what it is like to be a student and make it so that it is harder for students to really stay motivated to do what they love. Being an English major myself, I have realized over the years that I no longer read like I used to. When I was younger I would read anywhere from six to eight books a month. As a college student the last time I read a book was this summer, I think, or maybe before that. Even with school books …show more content…

It’s not just localized either. Many countries even outside of the US have issues involving the burnout and dropout rates of students (Drop-Outs in Great Britain). While the issue of student dropout rate has not changed, it is said apparent that the idea of student burnout is not being addressed as much as it should. Even in my research I mostly found topics related to the burnout rates of educators. In one article, titled “Determinants and Consequences of Students' Burnout in Universities” by Yoram Neumann, Edith Finaly-Neumann and Arie Reichel, the authors write: Though much has been written about human resources burnout in work organization, including teachers, no studies have examined this phenomenon with respect to students. College students may in fact experience the burnout phenomenon due to learning conditions that demand excessively high levels of effort and do not provide supportive mechanisms that would facilitate effective

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