Strong Interest Inventory Essay

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According to Strong Interest Inventory, described that the career type is “The Thinker”. The major psychological traits and characteristics of the thinker are Investigative (I) based on Holland’s R.I.A.S.E.C. theory. As an investigative personality in this theory are including analytical, complex, curious, reserved, problem solving, critical and rational. Besides, individual with investigative personality type involve focus idea, logical analysis, intellectual inquiry and enjoy doing research. The characteristics are discovering new ideas and develop new theories to explain the world around me. I enjoy abstract problem-solving and often like to be in a scientific or academic environment. The primary interest area is an investigative (I) type which is I prefer jobs that are more intellectual than physical. I like to work best …show more content…

‘I prefer to stay organized and on-track when possible, thus comfortable with a certain level of uncertainty and ready to adapt when circumstances change’. For this statement, it was quite accurate because I like to do thing in step by step basis. “I am equally good at working with others, and working on my own. I can engage with other people to accomplish team projects effectively, but also able to motivate to work independently”. This statement was true but I prefer to work independently rather than group work. However, it will reduce the chances to share ideas and less communication with colleague. Besides that, I am able to adapt well to a variety of work environments and activities. I am generally resilient and able to bounce back from stressful situations. There are some limitations which is I unable to manage people, low creative and low organizing to work. I would usually rather spend time analyzing data and concepts than trying to motivate or lead other people. I will try to improve my weaknesses for personal growth in

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