Stresses of Everyday Life

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Stress on an individual can take a huge toll on their body and their mind, many don't realize there under stress until it starts affecting there everyday life, either at home or being at their job.

To start, one should look at the causes of why a person has been put under stress. There are many scenerios that induce stress on individuals, a main cause of stress amongst a vast majority of the world would have to do with their job. Clark states that computerization which is one of the more potent stress evoking activity on individuals at a job due to a manager keeping track of how well the person is performing using the computer and keeping track of everything one does (Charles S. Clark, par 7). Computerization can be a leading cause to stress. With the rise in technology people are being forced into using technology as part of there everyday life which can become extremely frustrating if the individual is rarely exposed to these devices. For example if you take a truck driver and put him behind a desk answering phones and using the computer, more than likely he will come across the challenge of using the device to perform at optimal speed but due to having no experience this task could be overwhelming. David Dinges claims that individuals who work night shift jobs like police officers, teens, nurses and those who use sleeping pills are the main group of people suffering from sleep deprivation which is followed my stress on the person (David F.Dinges). Police officers and nurses are highly susceptible to stress induced by being deprived of sleep. Trying to correct it with sleeping medication or medication to wake you up also add to the stress of a late night job. Nurses especially have it hard worrying about all their patients m...

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...cate many situations in ones life and bring about new problems an individual will face as part of there everyday adventure. Sleep deprivation and the rise in technological needs are the main causes to why people have extreme stress. The working class and the younger generation can limit these stresses by watching their computer and phone usage and maybe finding a job that provides better hours for your sleep schedule. As a wise person once said “Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it “ (Hans Selye).

Works Cited

Clark, Charles S. "Work, Family and Stress." CQ Researcher 14 Aug. 1992: 689-712. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

Clemmitt, Marcia. "Sleep Deprivation." CQ Researcher 12 Feb. 2010: 121-44. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

David Volpi, . N.p., n. d. 24 Nov 2013. .

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