Stimulant Drug Abuse In College Essay

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Stimulant drug abuse on college campuses is a growing epidemic. Stimulant drugs are prescription medications taken by students with attention deficit disorders to enhance their focus and academic performance. However, many students without any attention deficit disorder are abusing these drugs for academic reasons. Most people assume that stimulant drugs such as Adderall are harmless and similar to caffeine. However, research has shown that Adderall is a widely-abused drug and can lead to serious health consequences. And in this paper, I will argue that this abuse is beginning to effect college education and is an issue that needs to be addressed through spreading awareness to students, parents, school officials and physicians. Stimulants such as Adderall temporarily increase alertness and energy and improve performance by enhancing the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain. (NIDA 2016). Stimulants are addictive drugs because as short term effects start to decrease in effectiveness and abusers need more and more to feel the same effect. Additionally, high doses of some stimulants can cause feelings of hostility or paranoia, as well as in dangerously high body temperatures and an …show more content…

A study that sampled western United States universities had a pool of 448 participants, and it showed that the overall prevalence of the recreational use of stimulant drugs was 18%. Recreational use is any nonmedical use of a drug. study of 119 different colleges found that ¼ colleges had 10% prevalence for non-medical stimulant abuse (McCabe 2005). One reason why college drug abuse rates have surged is because students are starting to use these drugs even before their college experience (Varga 2012). High school students' use of anabolic steroids reportedly increased 126% between 1991 and 2003, and students may be exposed to these drugs as early as middle school (Varga

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