Mandatory Drug Testing In Schools Essay

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The use of illicit drug abuse among high school students has gradually increased over the years and has become a major concern for not only the student abusers themselves, but for their peers and the learning environment. Many dangers begin to arise when teens participate in the abuse of illicit drugs. Students not only harm themselves, but they create hazards for their friends, who only want to “fit in”. Given that the use of drugs as a teen directly correlates with high dropout rates, it is imperative to seek out the abuser to help secure a bright future for them. Although some claim it is an invasion of privacy and is embarrassing, I strongly feel that students should face mandatory drug testing in order to seek out and prevent drug abuse, while also maintaining a safe learning environment for the their peers. Despite the changing of laws regarding marijuana use within the last five years, the most commonly abused drug, the percentage of high school drug use has been unchanged. Mandatory drug tests would intervene with the student and their use, allowing the school to provide help. The use of illicit drugs impairs the decision making of the abuser. …show more content…

When under the impression of an illegal substance, a teenager is liable to react inappropriately to any given situation or action by another student. It is highly imperative to remove these students from crowded social environment, like a school, to stop any violent actions that might arise from something as simple as accidentally stepping on the back of their shoe. Illegal substance abuse not only affects a student violently, but also academically. Studies show that when a student is under any type of substance abuse, they have a higher chance of getting lower grades and are frequently absent, which increases their chances of dropping out

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