Stereotypes In Sports

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Why are boys and girls not on the same sports team? They should be! Just because they are a different gender does not mean they can’t be on the same team. They can have all the same skill level, they just need to try hard enough. A reason that boys and girls should be on the same sports team is that by separating boys and girls, it can be seen as sexist and discriminating. It is not fair, and it has rarely been done. It will be very nice to start something new. Maybe every single team could have a mixture of boys and girls. Leigh Reason wrote an article called, “What Are the Benefits of Girls & Boys Playing Sports on the Same Team?” She thinks that boys and girls should play on the same team and this is what she states: “Somewhere between ages 9 and 11 kids begin to develop gender stereotypes. Involving them in coed sports early is an opportunity to curb those notions before they start, according to Sam Snow of Soccer America's "Youth Soccer Insider." Berk suggests it's best to separate prepubescent girls …show more content…

It will also tell boys that girls can have the same skill level and it is okay to be friends with them.
A second person is Alex Morgan who thinks boys and girls should be on the same sports team, and she was also interviewed and was in an article called “Should Girls be on Boys Team.” and this is what she states about boys and girls being on the same sports team:
“When I was still on the Little League board, there would always be a handful of girls playing baseball with the boys from T-ball through age 10. Then it dropped off to a lone girl in Majors (ages 11-12) and a lone girl in Juniors (ages 13-14). The girls wanted to be there (no one was forcing them to play baseball instead of softball), but they really didn’t have much success hitting against boys who were now taller and much stronger. Their bodies betrayed their

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