Status Quo In High School Essay

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Every high schooler has the opportunity to look back at there high school career 20 years after graduation and ask the question “Did I change the status quo in high school?” Seth Godin suggests that everyone has deep within themselves a desire to change the status quo. High school students are no different, the millennial generation still wants to change the status quo as much as every other generation they are just utilizing a different set of tools. In the past high schoolers have depended the industrial system of changing the status quo; working harder than anyone else. The problem is that the industrial system relies on an increase in talent and an increase in hard work, but we have run out of both. Godin suggests that the business world has already made the change from industrialism to the idea of tribes. High schoolers ought to make a shift from doing more and working harder to working in student-led groups. For …show more content…

In the summer of 2013, a group of high schoolers gathered to dream up the idea of starting a student-led christian ministry on the campus of Urbandale High School. All of the students involved were regular Urbandale High School students; there were no pastors, there were no theologians, there were not even adults. Despite impossible odds this group of students managed to accomplish their goal and created a student-led ministry called Catalyst that is still at Urbandale today. This movement was created completely by students that the world would say were unqualified to lead a ministry. Somehow they managed to accomplish the impossible through the use of a small student-led group of like-minded individuals. What could it look like if more high school students decided to get together with like-minded individuals and change the status quo? This simple idea has the potential to be implemented in every high school in the United States and impact thousands of

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