Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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By the 700s Islam has spread expansively reaching as far west to Spain and as far east to the Indus valley. However reaching that height was not so easy, this is where the methods of expansion come in and help aid Islamic groups as to how they can gain land. Methods perhaps may be the offering of salvation or equality and can go extensively as to conquest and fighting. The most effective way that Islamic groups can gain land was by conquering and force, which we will see as we examine the essay. The spread of Islam expanded throughout the eastern hemisphere and it is proven by a variety of passages we will examine. The map The Growth of The Muslim Empire taken out of the world history textbook shows where Islam has spread from 632 to 750. …show more content…

In the Quran , a holy book for Muslims an excerpt was taken out and examined. In this quotation taken out, there is a method being emphasized. It is that you can either convert to a practicing Muslim and live in peace, or you can deny the faith and go to conflict and war with god and his apostle. If you accept the faith, you are gaining equality and the right to be sent to heaven after death. Since the Quran was a holy book, a practicing Muslim would have looked to the book to see how to spread their faith and, the Quran also gave explicit instructions on how to follow the faith (DOC.2). In the passage from History of the Arabs, Philip K. Hitti analyzes the Muslim aspect on equality. Hitti has stated that the Muslims leader is just like “one of them,” showing that in the eyes of this historians eyes Muslims were just as equal and treated the same as to their leader. Being that Hitti was an historian, he most likely spent time researching and gathering information for this subject. One might also infer since he wasn't alive during this time period and during the spread of Islam, he studied this topic extensively (DOC.3). This extract from The Spirit of Islam, by Syed Ameer, he reviews the expansion of Islam. Ameer declared that Muslims required from others a “guarantee of peace, and tribute in return for protection, of perfect equality.” By analyzing this …show more content…

In this piece by Mohammed, he gives choices to the leader of a Christian Arab tribe. Mohammed tells the Christians that if they pay tribute or believe and convert into being a Muslim he will defend you. However if you deny his requested to the Lord and Himself, Mohammed will fight against you and take captive the little ones and slay the elder (DOC.1). From J.J Saunders, this is a piece of writing taken out of The Caliph Omar: Arab Imperialist History Today, explaining that there are options to conversion depending on the religion your facing upon. In this book it is to be shown that early Muslims fought their enemies, because they were unbelievers. However it does say “Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not be the aggressors.” This sentence is explaining that they will only start war if you begin it, they will not antagonize any conflict (DOC.5). Sir Edward Crecy has wrote Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, describing the Battle of Tours in 732. The Muslims hit their enemies and took captives without count. The other nations in fear, of how the Muslims were so cruel towards the city and were acting like “raging tigers.” Since the fact that Crecy was a historian he might've also studied this topic with depth and also since he was english, he could’ve written about this battle because it was a western european

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