Sport Hunting Persuasive Essay

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Sport hunting is pursuing game for trophy or prize, not for the collection of food or other products. McCarthy, writing in the website In the Defense of Animals, states that more than 200 million animals are killed every year due to sport hunting. I don’t think sport hunting should be considered a sport because sport hunting creates suffering, causes species to become extinct, and sport hunting is unnecessary.
During hunting, animals, after being shot, suffer too much. For example, E.L. Bradshaw and P. Bateson, who wrote Welfare Implications of Culling Red Deer, states that 11 percent of deer who’d been killed by hunters died only after being shot two or more times and that some wounded deer suffered for more than 15 minutes before dying. This shows that hunting creates too much suffering. Instead of dying a quick death, animals will have a slow and painful death when the hunter severely injures the animal but fails to kill it. Some hunting groups promote shooting animals in the face or the gut, which is a horrifically painful way to die. Therefore, hunting may cause an animal to die slowly and painfully. …show more content…

For instance, according to the Mother Nature Network, the Tasmanian Tiger, Passenger pigeon, and the Great Auk was hunted to extinction. This proves that hunting is too harmful for nature because hunting is causing extinction. Hunting shouldn’t be promoted because many animal species will become extinct if they continue to be hunted. Furthermore, Douglas Main, the main writer for the LiveScience website, says that rhinos, elephants, and even lions are on the verge of extinction due to poaching. Thus, hunting shouldn’t be considered a sport because it causes too much animals to die, which can result in extinction or

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