Spiritual Formation

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My definition of spiritual formation is to be stripped and pruned of the natural; to be removed or displaced from the enemy’s habitant, and allowing the process of impartation to take place by the Holy Spirt to receive the gift of new life. My understanding of spiritual formation is different for everyone. As Jeremiah explains to us in Jeremiah 18:4 (New King James Version), “And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.” We must understand the value that the Lord has cast upon us. The potter’s first vessel was marred, but instead of accepting the disfigured vessel. He made a new one, and perfected the vessel. Christians need to remember, no matter what are sinful past has been, the Lord will still perfect us and present us flawless. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us, “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.” We must start believing that we are created in the …show more content…

Some of the individuals are very mature in their walk with Christ, some are learning what it looks and feels like to be mature in Christ, and some are not there yet, because their unbelief trumps their belief. Nevertheless, we must be mindful that spiritual formation does not take place in the same way for everyone, and learn to accept people at what point they are at in their faith walk. The process of spiritual formation is overwhelming at times. I look back on my process over the last year, and to see how God has renewed my mind, given me wisdom, spiritual eyes and ears, discernment, and overall a fresh perspective on how to view things has changed my life. This process has had its fair share of tears, but it has been an amazing journey. Until the Lord called me to preach the Gospel, I never knew how much control the devil had over my life. I allowed him to make, too many decisions on my

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