Spider Man Feminism

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Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Feminism is not all about woman’s rights, it is about a woman’s right to have the same pay as a man or to be a working mom while the husband stays at home. Neither gender should be shamed for providing for their family whether the mom stays at home with the kids or the dad does. As Maisie Williams said, “I also feel like we should stop calling feminists ‘feminists’ and just start calling people who aren’t feminist ‘sexist’ – and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist. People get a label when they’re bad.” In the second Spider-Man movie, Aunt May tells Peter that the first time he ever saw Mary Jane, he asked if she was an angel. This statement shows he does not really seem to see Mary Jane as a person. Peter sees her for her beauty not as the woman she is. He also spies on her through her bedroom window, which to anyone is an invasion of privacy. That goes to show you that he does not have the respect for her to have her privacy in her own room which is probably her only sanctuary from her abusive father. …show more content…

She ditched John Jameson at the altar, she is closed off, she is extremely insecure, and she is really messed up. When she is reading a mildly critical review based on her performance she could not help but be angry and depressed. You can tell in this scene that Peter tries to console her by comparing how Spider-Man gets attacked all the time but in doing so he makes it all about him. He does not take Mary Jane’s feelings into consideration but you can tell he was trying to

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